Am waiting for final connection to get to Nanzan University. Am giving a presentation on the yogascapes project in the Anthroplogy Institute, today.
I havent given a comprehensive presentation of it, yet. While swapping metro lines, my eye caught a poster in the tunnel. Yoga, seems ubiquitous in Japan. particulalry the sporty gym "hotto yoga" types.
1 Comment
5/4/2018 1 Comment New Beginnings..Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me - Carol Burnett
I'm renewing my purpose for living and finding who I am. These past months have been challenging not just for myself but for my hubbypuff, family and friends. Thank you all for your support. I'm am slowly healing and continuing to let the light in 💛💛💛 Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom - Marcel Proust
After lunch, I strolled to a local temple close to university. It is known as Hyakumanben-Chionji Temple. The temple is over 500 years old. I went in to the main temple and greeted the priest Nagase, who educated me on the history of the temple, Hyakumanben-Dainenjyu-Kuri. He also told me about the Juzu beads, which are believed to be the largest in the world, and weigh in at 320kgs and are 110m long. I was fascinated by the Juzu beads upon entering the temple. They decorate the inside of the main temple, draping from the ceiling, around the walls and pillars. Unfortunately, no cameras are allowed inside, so you will have to experience it for yourself when you come visit Kyoto. The large grounds of the temple also host a monthly flea market on the 15th. Also, daily chanting is offered at 6:30am, 11:00am and 4:00pm. 12/3/2018 0 Comments International women's dayI am honoring women from all walks of life on #internationalwomensday this day is very important to me. I left my previous employer a few months ago due to the toxic patriarchal environment, which allowed males to bend rules, avoid/dismiss consequences, behave like children by having tantrums, bullying, sauing patronising and sexist remarks but being offended when called out on it..., the list goes on!
I no longer wanted to expose myself to such a place. The aftermath of my injury has not been easy. I am working hard to recover by coping with mental illness. With the aid and support from my loved ones and professionals, I am winning this battle. The daily struggle to get up and exercise is not my priority at the moment. I have not been motivated to post about fitness and well-being, nor share this journey I am on. The best medicine for myself is to be away, understand, and learn how to cope with these struggles of #ptsd 💛 💛 💛 if anyone out there is in a similar position, I urge you to stand up for yourself and leave immediately. You don't need to put up with such BS. I wish I had left sooner. If I had, I would not have BECOME so sick. But, there is light in my life, and so many people that care. You are not alone. Support is all around you. Reach out and be free from darkness 💛 💛 💛 2/2/2018 0 Comments Share your lightWe cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own. ~Ben Sweetland
I contemplated whether or not to post yet here I am. I may be broken for the time being but my heart will never close. I will never be silenced. I hope you find it in your conscience that your tactics of doing your job has no morals. I hope you can sleep at night knowing you have made someone's life hell. I've learnt many things about myself and in particular how humans operate. I have grown and built walls yet find it wholesome to not allow myself to be vulnerable. Rest assure, I am fully aware of the battle ahead and what has been happening behind the scenes. I send you all light. Have a heart and the strength to show compassion. I felt and still feel threatened, afraid and anxious about the entire ordeal. I may have days I shelter myself but I will not hide. I will shine brighter and pass on my light to you. You will become a better human. I send you peace and hope you will soon learn that doing your job doesn't mean to pressure nor threatened anyone into a corner. I hope my light touches you in the most positive way. Let the light in 💛 22/1/2018 2 Comments I am the lotus“I am blooming from the wound where I once bled.” – Rune Lazuli
Last night was by far the most challenging night we've endured, I did not want to wake up. The demons had consumed me, taking me to a very dark place. I did not want to feel anything anymore. I wanted to sleep forever. Hubbypuff reminded me, the lotus grew out of mud, I am the lotus. I have several lotus flowers tattooed on me, symbilising the fighter in me. I fought through many challenges in my life and came out stronger. So this morning, I happen to walk pass our lotus pot in full bloom. The lotus is a reminder that in a word riddled with fear, we can stay loving inside and, one by one, open our petals to spread that peace into the world. Instantly I felt a sense of peace, and strength for today's challenges. I went to my appointments and meetings, they were all positive and left me feeling assured that I am safe, I am in control. I am not at any fault. I can and will overcome this stage in my life. I look forward to sharing the full story once this is over but for the time being, I am ok. There is light 💛 Let it bleed - Let it hurt - Let it heal - Let it go. 17/1/2018 1 Comment Snow BunniesTonight has been an eventful evening. It is never easy to leave my hubbypuff's side. As I began to pack, a rush of frustration consumed me! We started our relationship long distance, little did I know it would turn out to be "very" long distance! We will be apart for only a brief amount of time, but of course I let loose on him. I have started to miss him immensely, though I won't be boarding till tomorrow evening! It never gets any easier, but the heart knows what it wants ❤
19/12/2017 1 Comment Be brave, you have a voice!Can you spot a soul in need of support? Ask the question, are you ok? Sometimes, those who smile the most, are the ones that are hurting the most.
I've had my fair share of bullies, harassment and abuse during my upbringing, primary and teens years yet sadly it continues through my 30s. I'm currently in a situation which I cannot disclose any information till the matter is over. I'm a little bit broken at the moment. Feeling as though I have been targeted. I do not want to be a victim of any sort! However it won't stop me from living! Don't allow anyone to take over your happiness. You are in the driver's seat! Learn to speak out and stand up for yourself! #noonecantakeawaymyhappines #ruok #bebrave #youhaveavoice #empowerwomen |
AuthorAimée-Linh McCartney, qualified group fitness instructor, yoga teacher and personal trainer, who facilitates a few HIIT-inspired yoga classes at Fernwood and Live Well. Aimée-Linh is a passionate photographer, lover of the outdoors and all the culinary delights. Archives
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