If you've never recorded yourself giving a yoga class,
now is your time to do it
The aim of this side project is to invite any yoga teacher to record an audio file of one or more of their yoga classes, and upload it to this page. The intention includes creating a database of recorded yoga classes, from a variety of languages, and eventually analyse through discourse and narrative analysis, the "grammar of yoga". What is meant by this is that the aim is to take the recordings of people teaching their classes and undercover the narrative formulas that yoga teachers use. Is there some uniformity at a generic level? Is a more obvious scenario people who have trained in the same tradition? How does one's rhetoric change depending on the location, culture, context, etc? I would like to invite people to upload multiple files of classes they have facilitated over time in different parts of the world. The data collected would secure anonymity and privacy. The principal aim is to develop a corpus of yoga lessons and use a variety of corpus linguistic applications to extract relevant data and patterns that form. There are a bunch of tips online for getting better audio recordings. One is below. |